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Stainless Steel Flat Bar


Polishes available in CFF No. 4, CFF No. 5, CFF S Blend and 240 Grit, 320 Grit. Get the most out of your Stainless Steel Bar with CFF’s value-added Polishing and Saw Cutting services.

Need a custom quote, or more information about this product? Contact our sales staff today!

Hot Rolled, Annealed and Pickled (True Bar)


Slit/Sheared and Edge Conditioned


Stock Lengths 12'/14'

Type 304/304L Dark Green
Type 316/316L Brown


Size Inches Est. Wt. per ft. Size Inches Est. Wt. per ft.
1/8 x 1/2 0.22 3/8 x5 6.44
1/8 x 1/4 0.32 3/8 x6 7.72
1/8 x1 0.43 3/8 x7 9.01
1/8 x1 1/4 0.54 3/8 x8 10.3
1/8 x1 1/2 0.64 1/2 x 1/4 1.29
1/8 x1 3/4 0.75 1/2 x1 1.72
1/8 x2 0.86 1/2 x1 1/4 2.15
1/8 x2 1/2 1.08 1/2 x1 1/2 2.57
1/8 x3 1.29 1/2 x1 3/4 3
1/8 x3 1/2 1.5 1/2 x2 3.43
1/8 x4 1.72 1/2 x2 1/2 4.29
1/8 x5 2.15 1/2 x3 5.15
1/8 x6 2.57 1/2 x3 1/2 6.01
1/8 x7 3 1/2 x4 6.86
1/8 x8 3.86 1/2 x5 8.58
3/16 x 1/2 0.32 1/2 x6 10.3
3/16 x 3/4 0.48 1/2 x7 12.01
3/16 x1 0.64 1/2 x8 13.73
3/16 x1 1/4 0.8 5/8 x1 2.12
3/16 x1 1/2 0.97 5/8 x1 1/4 2.66
3/16 x1 3/4 1.13 5/8 x1 1/2 3.19
3/16 x2 1.29 5/8 x2 4.25
3/16 x2 1/2 1.61 5/8 x2 1/2 5.31
3/16 x3 1.93 5/8 x3 6.38
3/16 x3 1/2 2.25 5/8 x4 8.50
3/16 x4 2.57 5/8 x5 10.63
3/16 x5 3.22 5/8 x6 12.75
3/16 x6 3.86 3/4 x1 2.55
3/16 x7 4.51 3/4 x1 1/4 3.19
3/16 x8 5.15 3/4 x1 1/2 3.83
1/4 x 1/2 0.43 3/4 x1 3/4 4.46
1/4 x 1/4 0.64 3/4 x2 5.10
1/4 x1 0.86 3/4 x2 1/2 6.37
1/4 x1 3/4 1.07 3/4 x3 7.65
1/4 x1 1/2 1.29 3/4 x4 10.20
1/4 x 11/4 1.5 3/4 x6 15.30
1/4 x2 1.72 1 x1 1/4 4.25
1/4 x2 1/2 2.15 1 x1 1/2 5.10
1/4 x3 2.57 1 x2 6.80
1/4 x3 1/2 3 1 x2 1/2 8.50
1/4 x4 3.43 1 x3 10.20
1/4 x5 4.29 1 x4 13.60
1/4 x6 5.15 1 x6 20.40
1/4 x7 6.01 11/4 x2 8.50
1/4 x8 6.86 11/4 x2 1/2 10.63
3/8 x 1/2 0.64 11/4 x3 12.75
3/8 x 1/4 0.97 11/4 x4 17.00
3/8 x1 1.29 11/2 x2 10.20
3/8 x1 1/4 1.61 11/2 x2 1/2 12.75
3/8 x1 1/2 1.93 11/2 x3 15.30
3/8 x1 3/4 2.25 11/2 x4 20.40
3/8 x2 2.57 11/2 x6 30.60
3/8 x2 1/2 3.22 11/4 x2 11.90
3/8 x3 3.86 2 x2 1/2 17.00
3/8 x3 1/2 4.51 2 x3 20.40
3/8 x4 5.15 2 x4 27.20

In-House Stainless Steel Processing

We proudly carry an extensive selection of Stainless Steel products which can be processed in-house. From Stainless Steel sheet to pipes and fittings and much more, our team makes sure to meet your unique Stainless Steel requirements with the highest satisfaction. Learn more about CFF Stainless Steels and request a customized quote today!
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